
Thoda Adra Sakka Tamil Movie

Thoda Adra Sakka Tamil Love Story Movie Cast, Crew and Story

Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some exciting facts on the Film Thoda Adra Sakka Cast, Crew and Story.

Story of the Film: Thoda Adra Sakka is a Tamil Movie. The Director is Sriharababu and Producer is D.Ramesh Babu. Actor Aryan Rajesh and actress Sona Chopra are in the lead Role of the film.

Star Cast of the Film

Aryan Rajesh

Aryan Rajesh is an Actor and a Producer. Aryan’s movies such as Sontham, Hai, Aadante Ado Typu, Sambu, Leela Mahal Center, Evadi Gola Vadidhi, Nireekshana, Nuvvante Naakishtam, Anumanaspadam, Buridi, Balaraju Aadi Bamardi, Thuttu, Vedikkai, Pakado Pakado and Thoda Adra Sakka.

Sona Chopra

Sona Chopra is an Actress. Sona’s movies such as Thuttu, Savaal and Thoda Adra Sakka.

Crew of the Film

Sriharababu (The Director of the film)

Sriharababu is a Director. Sriharababu’s movie is known as Thoda Adra Sakka.

D Ramesh Babu (The Producer of the film)

D Ramesh Babu is a Producer. Ramesh’s movies such as Parking and Thoda Adra Sakka.

John (The Music Director of the film)

John is a Music Director and an Actor. John’s movies such as Kya Love Story Hai, Ideal Couple and Thoda Adra Sakka.

These are the Story, Star Cast and Crew of the Film. If any Questions is persisting then, please feel free to comment your viewpoints.